The future of m-commerce isn't based on mobile store, coupon, advertising solution. It should be based on a link.
The link is not a normal hyper-link formated as normal url. Its a new define of protocol schema, and may not be implement with browser. Let say it may looks like following format:
And the link will also be generate to 2D barcode format:
The link isn't design for browser, but for mobile apps. As you may already know, most mobile platform supports customized url schema to launch different app, so it's easy to create a new url schema by deploying a public app (including IOS & Android). And the app will process a flow according to the given link.
Shorten steps of purchasing...
With the new link solution, users able to add a product to his own list with one very simple steps, ether by clicking the link on website or by scanning the barcode on store shelfs. Its totally possible without any high technology. Buy why? whats the benifit of it?
Mostly, when people talk about mobile commerce, they always think of extending the "OLD WEB COMMERCE" to mobile device. They try to build a smaller website in your phone with easy Ux. But its ridiculous to think this way. At old times, people won't "download" the e-commerce site to their desktop, all they do is open the browser and navigate to it. So user is free to choice any portal they like. Sometimes e-bay, sometimes Etsy or maybe Fancy, or some brand's official site. Instead of sticking on one choice, people browse between them freely.
In that scenario, user sit in front of the desk with nothing else to do, they just kill times. But when it comes to mobile scenario, user won't have much resource to navigate between multiple apps. The place they stay may not be a stable environment, maybe on a bus, in car, on boat or even on bed. When they open the mobile device, and want to checkout something, they usually has a clear target. So what they need is find the product they looking for, and order right away.
Products on Website, Blog
Let's say when a lady checking out skirts on Esty, she's looking for outstanding style she like. All she need is the look and feel of the product, not the detail, and she may want to add some of them to wish list for final decision. And she may buy some of them in the end. So she can store the link to wish list, and checkout some other skirts on fashion blogs, and also add them to same list. She may checkout all of them together, and deliver back home with simple flow. The system will divide the order according to the source of link.
Products on sight
And then, the lady may find a nice hand bag on the bus advertising. She open a barcode scanner app and scan the qrcode on post, then the product add to wish list. She may checkout the order later. Addtionally, the qrcode can also be placed on magzines, DM, menu or any publishs, even on the actual product in store. User may scan and add to list, and checkout later, then those product will be deliver directly to her home.
The solution and service is easy. But the challange is how to convince everyone to use the service. Well, the service must be a free service as short url services. And supports easy way to integrate famous e-commerce services, or provide a nice payment solution instead.